Run Mad as often as you choose, but do not Faint

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Carpal-tunnel Texting fingers

     I guess you could say this particular reflection all started when my doctor told me I probably was developing carpal-tunnel in my fingers and wrists, from "texting" (or in my case playing solitaire) on my phone.

     I was at lunch with a friend recently which suffered from prolonged periods of silence. I am a talker and with most people can find some subject upon which to talk over reach other quite successfully, but I my attempts at various lines of thought was met with a kind of verbose vacancy. In other words the person was emitting a decent amount of words but they contained absolutely no meaning or point and definitely did not encourage further pontification. Those dreadful one word answers some people emit on a regular basis probably would have been preferable to trying to wade through streams of words trying to find a point.

     It was only made worse by the fact that the person was intermittently distracted by a series of texts on their phone. Now this is one of my pet peeves. If I am taking time out of my day to hang out with someone for any reason I focus on that person - not my phone. A subtle check every once in awhile is fine. But carrying on rampant text-a-thons is just plain rude.

     As my dining companion picked up their phone only a second after having just set it back down, I heaved a little sigh looked around dreading my own boredom...and proceeded to play solitaire on my own phone. What a pair we must have made in the restaurant - a sad but true representation of my generation.
     ...ironically I was sort of in love with this person - just goes to show how off base "feelings" can be in comparison to logic or understanding.

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